Keynote Speaker: Marisa Randazzo - The Future of BTA Panel Discussion

This distinguished panel will provide comprehensive guidance on the evolving practices in Behavioral Threat Assessment (BTA), ensuring your school is at the forefront of prevention. Session highlights include: Emerging Trends and Best Practices: Learn about the latest advancements in BTA methodologies, supported by empirical research and practical experiences. Case Studies and Real-World Applications: Gain insights from real-world examples that demonstrate successful implementation and management of BTA programs in diverse educational settings. Policy and Compliance: Understand the critical regulatory frameworks and compliance requirements shaping the future of BTA, including recent updates to federal and state guidelines. Innovative Tools and Technologies: Explore cutting-edge tools and technologies enhancing threat assessment processes, enabling more effective identification, intervention, and management of potential threats.

Date & Time
Wednesday, November 6, 2024, 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM
Location Name
Texas Ballroom
Melissa Reeves Marisa Randazzo