Elevating School Security: Leveraging Built-In Solutions for Contractor Management
Most district's in the nation have an approval process prior to allowing a contractor or vendor to enter your school campuses. However, how are district's ensuring that the specific individuals coming into the buildings from those contractors are vetted and screened? Additionally, how are expirations dates being managed or hours validated for payroll purposes? The Raptor Contractor Module is included in your Visitor Management partnership and is a great way to ensure security, easily identify Contractors as they visit your campus, while also providing seamless and efficient reporting tools.
Date & Time
Wednesday, November 6, 2024, 3:45 PM - 4:30 PM
Location Name
Fort Worth Ballroom 7
Lynn Dang, Customer Success Associate, Raptor Technologies
Herb McCullum, Customer Success, Raptor Technologies
Herb McCullum, Customer Success, Raptor Technologies