Especially Safe: Ensuring the Safety of EVERYone in the School Community
This session supports an inclusive approach to safety preparedness in educational settings. Providing a foundational understanding of "Especially Safe," a signature program of Safe and Sound Schools, attendees will learn how to plan, prepare, teach, and train to meet the special needs of students, staff, and visitors in their school community. Addressing considerations for developmental disabilities, communication challenges, medical needs, mobility challenges, and more, this session will detail how schools can create a culture of safety and security that EVERYone can depend on during emergencies of all kinds.
Date & Time
Tuesday, November 5, 2024, 9:30 AM - 10:15 AM
Location Name
Fort Worth Ballroom 8
Ben Fernandez, School Psychologist/Crisis Intervention Specialist, Safe and Sound Schools
Michele Gay, Founder & Executive Director, Safe and Sound Schools
Michele Gay, Founder & Executive Director, Safe and Sound Schools